By now, most of us have heard about Gratitude as a straight path to Happiness. Even a Harvard study tell us how good a grateful heart is for us.
Me, I am convinced.
From the day I started the online 90-Day Gratitude Challenge (now in it's 7th year. Oh well, so much for titles), to what I see happening in my clients' lives when they start focusing on "what's going well," I am sold.
The trick is : how do we do it?
How do we switch our perspectives to one where we are thankful for the gifts, and therefore see so many more of them? What does it take?
In my experience, it does not take all that much. And that's really, really good news. In fact two to three minutes per day for 90 days should take care of it, if you are well prompted. Really.
As my gift to you, I offer to be your guide.
Why am I doing this? Because I believe that if you are more grateful, your life is going to shift, and you are going to be a happier person. I also believe that if you are a happier person, you are going to be a nicer (ok... even nicer) person. And that the more nicer people walk this world, the happier this world is going to be. That's why.
How? Super simple. All you have to do is commit to doing your very, very easy assignment every day, before you go to bed. It will take less than 3 minutes. Then you let me do the rest.
Are you ready? Are you ready to get re-booted? If so, let's go!
PS: asking a friend to do this with you is a really good idea, as you will be able to see the shifts in each other. PPS: I will send you other good stuff as I think of them. If they are not helpful, just unsubscribe.