I have one, you have one, "they" have one, and that's not going to change. Nor would we want that to change.
What we want to do is UNDERSTAND.
What is it? What does it do when? And more importantly, how do we make friends with it?
These days, many of our Lizards are walking around wide awake, with no understanding of what they are, nor what to do about it. At home, and all over the world.
This causes lots of pain, lots of misunderstandings.
I invite you to join me in this very simple, yet very, very useful journey towards understanding our Lizards, and other people's Lizards, so that we may live with more peace in our hearts, in our homes, and in our world.
During this one hour online class, you will learn:
- Who is The Lizard - How do we (and others) act when it is triggered? - How do we (and others) behave when it is asleep? - How to get along with ours and others'
...and a few more important pieces to help you experience less stress, and more ease. Especially as the holidays approach.
Once you understand The Lizard, you will have a much better understanding (and therefore easier relationship) with:
- Yourself - Your friends - Your family - Your co-workers - The world in general
You may even have a clearer perspective on politics, religion ... and marketing.
(This class is inspired by Al Turtle's work - and is offered with his blessing)