Essentially Me
*Lighten Up! |
A guided journey back towards you, towards the place where your light shines effortlessly, and generously.
Through exercises, meditation and specific forms exploration, we will gently unpeel the upper layers of your life and begin bringing you back to YOU. Time: all day More info |
The first step of my Essential Happiness Program, Lighten Up! is about parting with the things, activities, thoughts and relationships that get in the way of our true and most alive selves. It is a powerful stress buster, a joy revealer, and a game changer.
Time: one day. More info |
*Essence vs Form |
*Moving Up!
Essence vs Form is the second class of my Essential Happiness Program. A fast track to Clarity, it is a bit like learning a new language, a language that will allow us to discover our Core Essences, as well as play with many other Essences. It is a guide towards Authenticity and a simple yet potent tool towards a deeply satisfying life. I have seen lives and businesses transformed by learning - and using - this new language.
Time: one day. More info Note: Essence vs. Form will soon be available online. Be notified as soon as it comes out! |
The third part of the Essential Happiness Program, Moving Up! is a seven-step manifestation course. It is an effective process towards creating our life, a tool to be used on a project by project basis. Are you inviting a new job? A new home? A trip? A relationship? Moving Up! will get you there. It has never failed me.
Pre-requisite: Lighten Up! and Essence vs Form. Time: one day. |
The Sweet Spot
The Lizard
The Art of Journeying Through Difficult Conversations.
Stop avoiding difficult topics, allow your life to move forward and your relationships to deepen. Next class: Saturday, February 9, 2019 9:30 to 5:30 pm Anacortes, WA More info |
Understanding, making friends, and learning to live harmoniously with our - and others' - Lizards will transform relationships, work environments and families. It will bring us peace, lower our level of stress and allow us to function better.
This class, which I share with the blessing of its founder, Al Turtle, is often one of my students' favorite segment of an all day course. Time: one hour. Can be delivered via teleclass. |
Finding the Thread
Décennie Retreat
A great team Retreat option, Décennie is a guided exploration of the precious decades of our lives.
Through journaling, sharing, guided meditation, participants will safely go back and re-immerse themselves in the earlier part of their journey, one decade at a time. They will gently re-visit the places that used to be theirs, not so that they may wallow there but so that they may feel the intimacy of their path, so that they may find the thread that brought them to today and embrace that thread with love, kindness and gratitude. So that they may notice their Essence, running throughout. So that we may embrace that Essence also, and use it to create a conscious and authentic design for the decades ahead. Time: 4 days in a beautiful place |
Come with me!
I promise you transformation.